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5 Ways Window Design Can Make A Space More Beautiful

Writer's picture: Lucia De BiasioLucia De Biasio

Updated: Oct 21, 2019

If you ask any office owner about what is the top feature that they love about their office, most of them will reply that it is the views, location and the brightness of a office. In fact, no person can stand to live in a tiny office - especially if that office doesn’t have windows or is too dark.

From this, we can all agree that windows are essential in every office. The view from a window is something that is a vital part of each office - and something that can benefit any room. If you have been looking for ways to brighten your interiors, we would advise you to look to your windows and consider the following ways they can influence your interiors.

1. Natural light is commonly linked to healthy living

As humans, we are no different than green plants - and are part of nature in every way possible. Light is what inspires us and benefits our health. If we are kept in the dark, we wilt and eventually die - just like plants. So, it is definitely true that natural light is a source for our body, mind, spirit and connectivity to the outdoors - and a primary source for healthy living. No matter how your windows look, you must ensure that your office has a natural source of light in every room where it is possible.

2. Choosing windows that complement a room

If you can afford to hire an interior designer, you must consider the space where your windows are placed in. Same goes with buying a office - you must look for natural sources of light but also windows that complement the room. For example, tall ceilings and voluminous rooms can benefit from clear story windows which are placed high above the ground - or multistory ones that are typical in atriums and multi-story foyers. On the other hand, smaller rooms can benefit from plentiful sunlight and windows that have a lower height compared to the floor. At the end of the day, make sure to choose a style that takes into account the best features of every room.

3. The perfect view outside your office or...

Looking out to a picturesque view of the ocean is something we all dream about. However, the reality is that every view that makes you feel good is one to choose when designing or buying a office. After all, window design is more than just an opening in the wall that ‘has to be there’. It can help you capture the outdoors and bring them into your office. So, the goal is to determine what perfect views you want to capture first and choose a window that will enhance them.

4. Open your ceiling view with skylights

Skylights are another great way to make most of natural light in a office. Also known as “the fifth wall”, ceiling view is something that many office owners forget about - and something that can bring light in a number of ways. Skylights can offer privacy and a source of natural light to rooms that normally wouldn't because of the lack of space for windows or exterior walls. Also, they are a great design feature that increases the value of the office.

5. A variety of opacities for your privacy needs

The boardroom is usually a room where you want to have both natural light poured in as well as privacy. Cubicle offices are another example where privacy is equally important to bringing in light. So, the goal is to consider a variety of opacity levels for your window styles. For example, transparent glass makes things visible from the outdoors, while translucent one is common in glass block windows in bathrooms. If you don’t want anyone to look into your work space, a translucent window design is something that will benefit you and your space.

In the end, the best way to take advantage of window design when building a new office is to design your windows around the orientation of your property. Many interior designers know that natural light coming from every direction is what makes a office more beautiful. On the other hand, the best way to decorate your office with window design is to use a variety of shapes, sizes and openings in your office or windows.

Need help making your office brighter while keeping your privacy intact, contact LDB design and let us design the proper office space for your company!




Great Article!

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